

I remembered making a promise to myself nine months back that I will start blogging again. Lie. But indolence took the best(est) of me and that promise consequently disappeared together with my fervor to write again. So today I decided, should I elect to make promises again, I must start it with the adverb, MAYBE Yup, that’s it! “Maybe I should start blogging again, because MAYBE I missed this.”

See you!


Hey Jude!

"One of the hardest things to teach a child is that the truth is more important than the consequences.” -O.A Battista.

Earl and Abbie love you Bu! We are bigger than this!


Spring Forward

I am moving forward from here and I am taking Bu with me!

A little spell of obscurity could mean a good thing. For example, things you enjoy(ed) doing were consciously ignored, but finally, slowly you realize there is a reason why curtains are hanged from window tops instead of nailed, why blinds are adjustable, or why the sun shines everyday (even if he shrouds himself behind those dark, nimbus clouds)

Yesterday, Bu and I talked about the things we (could) do together, places we want to visit (but are monetarily demanding), restaurants we want to try out (but not gastronomically ready for) and realized why we allowed our lives to be dormant, just because.

He told me he wanted to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro, since he saw one of my 50lbs-ligther-yesterday-pictures hauling a hippopotamus heavy backpack. I told him we shouldn’t get carried away and we should start easy.
So, this is our easy part, our little space in the web, our tiny step toward Mt. Kilimanjaro.

Here is where we want to file our “free time,” which by the way has been turning out to be more of a wailing time because we talk about how past its sell-by date our lemons are (Okay, not his lemons I pray) instead of a “loosen up” time.

So if you think you’re in the same shoes, or if you think you’re rocking the same boat, maybe this little space of ours could… enthuse you maybe?

‘Nuff said. Time to spring forward I say. Viva Mt. Kilamjaro!